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Insurance Claims

Individuals, families, and businesses purchase insurance as protection against issues out of their control. They live their life predicated on the thought that these insurers will have their back under adverse conditions. When your home or property is subject to serious damage, be it structural issues, storm damages or another catastrophic problem, it can be assumed that your insurance policy will cover the expenses.

Unfortunately, in many cases theses assumptions fail to materialize because the insurance company is looking out for their own financial interests. Using ambiguous and complex language, insurance coverage contracts are routinely used in a deceptive manner by providers. Whether they are denying coverage or delaying payment, it is important that you hold these companies accountable for their actions (or inaction) if you are negatively affected by their business practices.

If insurance providers do not hold up their end of the bargain, it is your right to challenge their decision. With the legal counsel of MBG Law Firm, demanding the protection that you expected all along can be done so in a professional and effective fashion.

Types of claims include, but are not limited to:

Roof Leaks

Plumbing Breaks



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