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Mediation involves the selection of a neutral mediator to facilitate negotiations between the parties to a dispute. The advantage of mediation is that the parties retain the ability to own their process. MBG Law Firm approaches each mediation with patience, persistence, and brings a problem solving perspective and evaluative abilities to each mediation. MBG Law Firm enables the parties to be part of the solution process, not powerless bystanders.

Insurance Claims

Individuals, families, and businesses purchase insurance as protection against issues out of their control. If insurance providers do not hold up their end of the bargain, it is your right to challenge their decision. With the legal counsel of MBG Law Firm, demanding the protection that you expected all along can be done so in a professional and effective fashion.

Commercial Evictions

If your tenant has failed to pay the required rent or breached another provision of the leasing contract, then you may have grounds to evict them. Despite what others may say, eviction proceedings can be very technical and complex in nature, which is why it is helpful to have an attorney help you navigate through the process. Evicting a commercial tenant can be complicated regardless of the reasoning behind it. By following the legal guidelines closely, the quicker the eviction process can conclude and the sooner you can stop losing money and use that open space. If you need assistance in evicting a tenant from a commercial building, then contact MBG Law Firm today!

MBG Law Firm, 2014, All rights reserved
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